8th Grade Participation at the High School Level (1) NMAA Bylaw 6.4.1 A2 / 8th Grade Participation at the High School LevelEighth-grade students who participate in high school athletics, at any level of competition, shall make their open enrollment choice. Eighth-grade students must participate at their home attendance zone public high school unless one of the following exceptions is applicable: • Student is enrolled in a K-12, 6-12 or other combined member school. • Student has been enrolled consecutively in the high school’s feeder system since elementary school (K-5). • Student is an out-of-state transfer that has been enrolled consecutively in the high school’s feeder system since their initial enrollment in New Mexico. School District* High School Name*Select Your SchoolAcademy for Technology and the ClassicsAlamo Navajo High SchoolAlamogordo High SchoolAlbuquerque AcademyAlbuquerque High SchoolAnimas High SchoolArtesia High SchoolAtrisco Heritage AcademyAztec High SchoolBelen High SchoolBernalillo High SchoolBloomfield High SchoolBosque SchoolCapital High SchoolCapitan High SchoolCarlsbad High SchoolCarrizozo High SchoolCentennial High SchoolChaparral High SchoolChesterton AcademyCibola High SchoolCimarron High SchoolClayton High SchoolCleveland High SchoolCliff High SchoolCloudcroft High SchoolClovis Christian SchoolClovis High SchoolCobre High SchoolCorona High SchoolCoronado High SchoolCottonwood Classical Prep SchoolCrownpoint High SchoolCuba High SchoolDel Norte High SchoolDeming High SchoolDes Moines High SchoolDexter High SchoolDora High SchoolDulce High SchoolEast Mountain High SchoolEldorado High SchoolElida High SchoolEscalante High SchoolEspañola Valley High SchoolEstancia High SchoolEunice High SchoolEvangel Christian AcademyFarmington High SchoolFloyd High SchoolFoothill High SchoolFort Sumner High SchoolGadsden High SchoolGallup High SchoolGateway Christian High SchoolGoddard High SchoolGrady High SchoolGrants High SchoolHagerman High SchoolHatch Valley High SchoolHighland High SchoolHobbs High SchoolHondo Valley High SchoolHope Christian High SchoolHot Springs High SchoolHouse High SchoolHozho AcademyJal High SchoolJemez Valley High SchoolKirtland Central High SchoolLa Cueva High SchoolLaguna Acoma High SchoolLake Arthur High SchoolLas Cruces Catholic High SchoolLas Cruces High SchoolLegacy AcademyLogan High SchoolLordsburg High SchoolLos Alamos High SchoolLos Lunas High SchoolLoving High SchoolLovington High SchoolMagdalena High SchoolManzano High SchoolMaxwell High SchoolMayfield High SchoolMcCurdy High SchoolMcCurdy Charter SchoolMelrose High SchoolMenaul High SchoolMesa Vista High SchoolMescalero Apache SchoolMesilla Valley Christian SchoolMiyamura High SchoolMonte del SolMora High SchoolMoreno Valley High SchoolMoriarty High SchoolMosquero High SchoolMountainair High SchoolNative American Community AcademyNavajo Pine High SchoolNavajo Prep High SchoolNewcomb High SchoolNM School for the Blind/Visually ImpairedNM School for the DeafNMMI High SchoolNorthwest High SchoolOak Grove Classical AcademyOrgan MountainPecos High SchoolPeñasco High SchoolPiedra Vista High SchoolPine Hill High SchoolPojoaque High SchoolPortales High SchoolQuemado High SchoolQuesta High SchoolRamah High SchoolRaton High SchoolRehoboth High SchoolReserve High SchoolRFK Charter SchoolRio Grande High SchoolRio Rancho High SchoolRobertson High SchoolRoswell High SchoolRoy High SchoolRuidoso High SchoolSan Jon High SchoolSandia High SchoolSandia Prep High SchoolSanta Fe High SchoolSanta Fe Indian SchoolSanta Fe PrepSanta Fe WaldorfSanta Rosa High SchoolSanta Teresa High SchoolShiprock High SchoolSilver High SchoolSocorro High SchoolSpringer High SchoolSt. Michael's High SchoolSt. Pius X High SchoolTaos High SchoolTatum High SchoolTexico High SchoolThoreau High SchoolTierra EncantadaTo'Hajiilee High SchoolTohatchi High SchoolTse'Yi'Gai High SchoolTucumcari High SchoolTularosa High SchoolValencia High SchoolValley Christian AcademyValley High SchoolVaughn High SchoolVolcano Vista High SchoolWagon Mound High SchoolWalatowa Charter High SchoolWest Las Vegas High SchoolWest Mesa High SchoolWingate High SchoolZuni High SchoolParticipant Name* First Last Parent/Guardian InformationParent/Guardian 1 Name* First Last Relation* Parent/Guardian 2 Name First Last Relation Phone*Physical Address* Street Address City AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement* My child and I have been made aware and fully understand that if they participate at the high school level (freshman, c-team, junior varsity, or varsity) during their 8th grade year, they will be utilizing their open enrollment choice at that time. Should they then choose to transfer to another school (even back to their home district) during the remainder of their 8th grade year or anytime thereafter, they will no longer have an open enrollment choice. Additionally, they will then be ruled a transfer student and be subject to all NMAA rules and regulations currently in effect. Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent/Guardian 1 Signature*Parent/Guardian 2 SignatureAthletic Director InformationAthletic Directors must ensure compliance with 8th grade participation residency requirements and submit this form to the NMAA, with indicated signatures, prior to the eighth-grade student participating at the high school level. Eighth grade students are ineligible to participate at the high school level until the NMAA has confirmed receipt of this form.AD Name* First Last AD Email* Does the student currently reside within your attendance boundary OR is the student already enrolled in your school (K-12, 6-12, etc.)?* Yes No Has the student been enrolled in your high school’s feeder system consecutively since elementary school?* Yes No Upload attachment of enrollment history*Max. file size: 12 MB.Is the student an out-of-state transfer that has been enrolled consecutively in your high school’s feeder system since their initial enrollment in New Mexico?* Yes No Upload attachment of enrollment history*Max. file size: 12 MB.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY AD Signature*