Once this form is submitted, you will be able to download a PDF of the Emergency Action Plan to save and print.

Athletic Directors and/or Athletic Trainers, should create a unique Emergency Action Plan for each athletic facility/venue in which you will hold practice or competition.

"*" indicates required fields

Venue Information

Administrator Name*

Step 1- 911

Call 911

Meet EMS

Meet Ambulance at EMS Access Point. Take to victim.


School contacts to call in an emergency event.
Athletic Trainer (if applicable)
Athletic Director*

Step 2- CPR

Begin CPR

1. Certified individuals begin CPR.
2. Take turns with other certified individuals as needed until EMS arrives.

Step 3- Retrieve AED

*When AED arrives, turn it on and follow voice prompts

1. Remove clothing from chest.
2. Attach electrode pads as directed by voice prompts.
3. Stand clear while AED analyzes heart rhythm.
4. Keep area clear if AED advises a shock.
5. Follow device prompts for further action.
6. Continue use until EMS arrives.

Heat Stroke

Locate Supplies

Tub should be prepared daily.
1. Remove equipment/excess clothing. Move to shade.
2. Immerse athlete into cold ice water tub, stir water. (If no tub, recommend wrapping athlete in tarp with ice and water.
In absence of tub or tarp, recommend cold shower or rotating cold, wet towels over the entire body.)
3. Monitor vital signs.
4. Cool First, Transport Second.
5. Cool until EMS arrives.